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Permits, staff and casual parking solutions for every type of university user and staff.
Universities have many different types of people parking at different time periods; faculty, students, staff and visitors.
PARKi management solutions can cater to the different user groups, parking zones and their corresponding payment or permits system. The PARKi Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) solution implemented at university car parks ensures a fast and efficient user experience with a high degree of accuracy for both casual and permit users.
This allows us to future proof and easily manage and service our clients changing needs.
Permits, staff and casual parking solutions for every type of hospital user and staff.
Universities have many different types of people parking at different time periods; faculty, students, staff and visitors.
PARKi management solutions can cater to the different user groups, parking zones and their corresponding payment or permits system. The PARKi licence Plate Recognition (LPR) solution implemented at university car parks ensures a fast and efficient user experience with a high degree of accuracy for both casual and permit users.
This allows us to future proof and easily manage and service our clients changing needs.
Licence Plate Recognition
Licence Plate Recognition allows for convenient and controlled entry into the car park for both permit holders and casual parkers. On entry, the boom gate will be raised automatically for Permit Holders who have their licence plate details stored on the car parking system. In the event of a misread, Permit Holders may present their backup barcode to identify themselves. Casual parkers enter the car park by inserting or tapping their credit card on the respective reader. On exit, permit holders will once again have the boom gate raised for them automatically whilst casual parkers will present their credit card to the Exit Station to process payment for their parking session and have the option to print a tax receipt.
Car park Rule Enforcement.
Licence Plate Recognition system stops permit holders from abusing the conditions of the car park by sharing their permit with other users This is achieved by remembering each individual patron’s registration using the LPR system.
Increased Revenue for the car park operator as there is no longer a requirement for car park patrolling of patrons parked illegally meaning all users who enter the car park are either pre-paid or post-paid customers who will only be granted exit of stay for each matched vehicle, allowing for the automatic raising of the boom gate for vehicles that are within a free grave period.
The solution is environmental friendly due to the lack of consumables required for ticketless operations and any associated trash from used tickets.
University User Groups
Casual patrons are provided parking by presenting their credit card at both entry and exit to calculate their duration of stay and subsequently their duration based parking fee. These users are also given the option of printing a tax receipt.
Permit Holders are provided with a unique backup barcode linked to their licence plates stored into the LPR’s operating system. The LPR system will recognise the licence plate associated with the backup barcode and allow the permit holder entry and exit into the car park(s).
Outcomes for Universities
Call us now about designing and delivering a customised parking solution for your car park