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Attracting customers to one particular shopping centre over another can come down to the ease of the parking experience. PARKi specialises in delivering high volume, fast flowing parking management solutions to multi-level car parks.
PARKi are specialists in delivering individual solutions to cater for specific parking situations. Vehicle flow information and occupancy rates at the parking facilities can improve the mobility in cities and make parking management for staff and guests more efficient.
Universities have many different types of people parking at different time periods; faculty, students, staff and visitors. PARKi management solutions can cater to the different user groups, parking zones and their corresponding payment or permits system.
Airports need a flexible, user friendly, multi zone, parking management system. PARKi offers both patrons and operators, frictionless, convenient access to drop offs, short term, long term, multi day stays, or providing 24/7 staff and commercial access to parking.
PARKi are specialists in supplying hospitals an integrated multi-zone car park solution, using dynamic signage and bay sensor guidance. The needs of doctors, staff and casual users are met with controlled egress, from distributed, remote, multiple entry and exit points.
Efficient on street parking systems mean less congested traffic, less wasted fuel, less polluted air, and stress free drivers. PARKi has a range of on-street parking meters in use by councils across Australia and New Zealand.
By including parking as an integral part of the transport system, PARKi makes it possible to switch from using the car to drive to the end destination, to enabling the driver to incorporate public transport as part of their daily commute.
A zero contact parking solution using our PARKi Licence Plate Recognition, solution allowing entry, exit & payments for parking without ever leaving the car. We provide a parking, pre-booking service for your event or recreation brand.
Call us now about designing and delivering a customised parking solution for your car park